Fast and Reliable CAT Scanning
Effective CAT scanning makes a huge difference to any planned excavation work.
Professional and accurate CAT (cable avoidance tool) scanning will quickly and efficiently detect pipework and cabling and save you the problem of potential pipe or cable damage and the costly repairs, delays and personal injury that can occur as a result.
At Southern Drilling, we work across the UK, including London, Kent, Berkshire, Hampshire and the Home Counties, providing commercial, industrial and private clients with the very best in high quality, reliable and cost effective CAT scanning services.
For the fast and accurate detection of pipework and cabling by qualified professionals with experience, call the UK’s leading CAT scanning company at Southern Drilling today. Call us now on 01474 822785 for a friendly conversation and no obligation quotation.
cat scanning allows for The quick identification of most underground utilities
If you’re undertaking any excavation work, you need accurate and reliable information on the exact location of any telecommunications, gas, electricity or water services etc.
At Southern Drilling, we utilise the very latest CAT scanning equipment and techniques to provide you with the most reliable, accurate and effective identifications of any underground network.
cat scanning to Keep you and your clients safe
With over 4 million km of pipes and cables buried underground across the UK, it’s imperative that any excavation work is done with safety in mind at all times. The best way to ensure this is with accurate and effective CAT scanning from the UK’s best at Southern Drilling.
Ensuring well-planned excavations at all times
Having your excavation area professionally and accurately scanned by experienced CAT scanning experts will save you potential costly repairs of pipework and cabling in the future. Knowing exactly where any pipes or cables are will also reduce the risk of delays and personal injury to your operatives or any third party.
Flexible and adaptable to any situation
The high quality CAT scanning equipment we use can be tailored to suit any situation or requirement. Even if the location of exact access points is not known, or the required area is difficult to get to, our cable avoidance tools will provide a cost effective, reliable and accurate solution whether operating over grass areas or concrete slabs we can reduce the risk!
We work across London, Croydon, Orpington, Ashford and the Home Counties & the rest of the UK, providing fast and reliable CAT scanning services to industrial, construction and commercial clients.
So call our expert team today to discuss your requirements and arrange your survey and no obligation quotation.